Zetron-Motorola Solutions CSSI Interoperability Testing
Testing was completed during the week of January 4, 2021.
The full report can be downloaded using the link directly below:
Zetron-Motorola Non CAP CSSI Interoperability Test January 2021
Testing Configuration Info:
- Motorola Solutions lab connected to Zetron lab via VPN. Intra System configuration (i.e. matching WACN ID + System ID)
- The Motorola RF Subsystem (RFSS) was configured as the ""Home"" subsystem for all talkgroups used in the testing.
- The Zetron Console Subsystem (CSS) was configured as the ""Serving"" subsystem for all talkgroups used in the testing and consisted of console equipment only. "
- MSI software versions: ISGW-Astro-
- Zetron software versions:ACOM Novus ASB57
Non CAP Interoperability Testing Background
Manufacturers have been doing lab to lab testing of commonly supported ISSI/CSSI standard feature sets for some time now.
A template is available defining a method for reporting ISSI and/or CSSI P25 Interoperability testing results outside CAP.
At the time of this template’s publication, there were no ISSI or CSSI testing results available yet from the DHS OIC Compliance Assessment Program (CAP)
The template allows reporting on interoperability of testing equipment from two manufacturers. That testing may have been performed in a single lab, in a lab to lab setting or in an installed customer setting. That testing may have been performed by personnel with or without ISO/IEC 17025 recognition.
The template does not intend to prescribe a list of standard functionality that could or should be tested. The functionality covered by a published report should be determined by the manufacturers completing the report.
A copy of the template can be downloaded using the link below:
ISSI-CSSI Non CAP Interoperability Test Template