The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) held it’s Annual Meeting on Thursday October 27th

The meeting was presided over by: Cindy Cast, Chair PTIG, and Radio Systems Manager- Miami Dade County Florida, Steve Nichols, Executive Director, Project 25 Technology Interest Group, and Cheryl Giggetts, Treasurer PTIG, and Principal- CTA Consultants.

A Board of Directors and slate of Officers were elected including some returning members and two new members from the P25 Community.

The Officers for the coming 2021-2022 year include: Chair: Cindy Cast, Radio Systems Manager: Miami Dade County; Vice Chair: Jim Holthaus, USDOJ; Treasurer: Cheryl Giggetts, Principal, CTA Consultants; Secretary: Andy Davis, Motorola Solutions, Chair TIA TR-8.

Incoming New PTIG Board Members Include: Dave Collette, IT Manager, Public Safety System; Nebraska Office of the CIO and Ronald E. Williscroft, City of Winnipeg, Fire Paramedic Service, Director of 911 Communications; APCO Canada, Board of Directors

                   Dave Collett                                               Ron Williscroft

                            Dave Collett                                                       Ron Williscroft

Returning PTIG Board Members Include: Rick Schmahl, MARCS Program Director and SWIC, State of Ohio; Siralal Mallawa Arachchi, Principal Technical Advisor, New Zealand Police, Nina Boe, Chief, Radio Applications & Networks, P25 System Administrator & Program Manager: Pennsylvania State Police; Amy Lawrence, Marketing Program Manager, Viavi Solutions; Michael Schafer, President, Compliance Testing; Nick Pennance, Chief Revenue Officer, Tait; Robert Kwapisz, LMR Solutions Manager, Zetron (a Codan Company); Rich Cagle, Chief Growth Officer, Mission Critical Partners; Brad Stoddard, State of Michigan; Brandon Diemer BLM NIFC; John Richards, State of Maine; Scott Wright, State of Connecticut;; Justin Evans, Montgomery County TX; Mark Ketchum, City of Broken Arrow OK; Sonia Kendall, US Coast Guard;; Doug Chapman; Etherstack; Robin Grier, Catalyst; Dominick Arcuri, Televate; Jeremy Elder L3Harris.

A number of PTIG Board Members retired this year including: Chris Maiers, State of Iowa and Eddie Reyes, Prince William County VA.  They are recognized and thanked for their years of loyal participation and service to P25 and PTIG.

PTIG welcomed three new Commercial Members over the past year.  Mission Critical Partners, ADCOMM Engineering, and ADCOM Technologies all joined the group.  In addition Zetron, a Codan Company, and L3 Harris both upgraded their membership to “Founder Level”  

Commenting on the previous year’s activities, Stephen Nichols, PTIG Director stated; “We emerged from the COVID fog with renewed energy, strong conference & trade show activity, and increased participation and interest in Project 25. Our Mission continues with the development and sharing of information about P25 Standards, Benefits, Applications, and Market. Thanks go to our member companies and P25 agency representatives for their continued loyal support and participation. The Primary Focus during the past year has been to, celebrate our 30th Anniversary accomplishments, to offer updates on new P25 Standards including their applications & benefits to Public Safety & government, and to reinforce the need for continued funding and development for P25”.

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The Project 25 Technology Interest Group meets via web MS Teams Meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month at 3:30 PM Eastern.  If you would like to become a member, contact Stephen Nichols: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.