P25 New Products and Services for APCO 2022 published by PTIG
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group is pleased to publish the latest P25 New Products and Services presentation for APCO 2022.
The full presentation can be downloaded using the link below.
P25 New Products and Services APCO 2022
See the latest New products including:
- New P25 Multi-Band portables from Motorola, Tait,and JVCKenwood Viking.
- New P25 Base station from L3Harris.
- New JVCKenwood Multi-Protocol System
- New Interworking Function from Etherstack
- New Communications Service Monitor from Viavi
- New In-Building Monitor and Test from PCTEL
- New P25 Portable Waveform Analyzer from Locus USA
P25 New Product Trends 2022
- Multi-Band P25 Portable Radios (VHF/UHF/700/800 MHz) New products are P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 capable
- P25 LMR Interoperability with LTE Broadband Data
- New P25 Consoles connect P25 and LTE technologies
- Multi mode P25/LTE Portable radios
- Voice recording in radios
- Scalable, Configurable P25 Airborne Radios
- Deployable, mixed-mode, P25 repeaters for Emergency Ops
- P25 Antenna Site Monitoring
- “Over the Air” radio maintenance for P25 Systems
- “Cloud based” Asset management for P25 Systems
- “Cloud based” Dispatch in the field
- New P25 Location Services
- P25 enhanced Vocoder Software
- Details
PTIG Welcomes Our Newest member: ADCOMM Engineering
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group Welcomes our newest member ADCOMM Engineering
PTIG welcomes Susan Ronning, Joe Blaschka and the ADCOMM Team
ADCOMM Engineering www.adcomm911.com
“We Bridge The Gap Between Operations & Technology”
ADCOMM is an industry leader with 40+ years of experience defining, integrating, deploying, and managing public safety and critical infrastructure communications systems. Capabilities Include: Radio system upgrades, on-going FCC licensing work, coverage propagation analysis, troubleshooting simulcast radio systems, adding new radio tower sites, or assessing CAD - telephony - and records management systems for your 9-1-1 center.
ADCOMM helps agencies implement technology improvements while ensuring managers, operators, and maintainers are included in the discussion. We believe that technology systems should be designed to support user needs while being highly available and resilient as well as cost-effective to procure, manage, and maintain.
We are an industry leader in public safety, communications networks. Centrally located in the Pacific Northwest we have completed successful projects in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, California, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Tennessee, and Utah.
For More Information about ADCOMM Engineering contact:
Susan E Ronning, Owner & Principal
Phone: 971-718-7574
- Details
Join Us at APCO 2022 for a Project 25 Update: P25 for the Future, P25 Revealed, Meet the P25 SC Chair
You are invited to join the Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) at APCO 2022 in Anaheim CA.
See what’s New with the P25 Standards, Applications, Interoperability, Security and New P25 Products and Services.
P25 Questions or Issues?? Meet the P25 Steering Committee Chair
Mr. Jim Downes, P25 Steering Committee Chair will be available for Exclusive Office Hours at the PTIG Booth #704
Monday August 8th 11:00AM-12:30 PM PTIG Booth #704
Tuesday August 9th Noon to 1:30 PM PTIG Booth #704
Attend Our “P25 for the Future” Panel
P25: New Standards, Interoperability, & Security for 2022 and Beyond
Wednesday August 10th 8:30-9:30 AM Room 208
Learn what's new for Project 25 in 2022 and beyond. See how the technology is adapting and interworking to meet the changing technology eco-system. Get the latest P25 technology update including: New P25 standards, and priorities going forward and LMR interworking with LTE.Wednesday August 10th 8:30-9:30 AM Room 208
New to P25? Attend our “P25 Revealed” Panel
A Concise Overview of Project 25 Standards, Capabilities, & Applications in simple basic terms
Wednesday August 10th 2:00-3:00 PM Room 213 B-D
This panel will offer a concise overview and description of the Project 25 Standards, Capabilities, and Applications in simple laymen's terms. The current P25 Systems Model will be explored. The alphabet soup of P25 interface terminology will be explained: ISSI, CSSI, DFSI, and CAI.
Visit our PTIG P25 Booth #704 to meet P25 System Users, Manufacturers, and Consultants. See some of the latest P25 Products on Display
Project 25 Technology Interest Group Booth #704
- Details
New Whitepaper available on P25 LMR-LTE Integration from SAFECOM/NCSWIC
A new Whitepaper has just been published titled:
“Land Mobile Radio/Long Term Evolution (LTE/LMR) Integration: Best Practices”
The Joint SAFECOM/National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) P25 User Needs Working Group (UNWG) developed the LMR/LTE Integration: Best Practices whitepaper to share a snapshot of best practices and integration use cases identified by a variety of public safety members across the country during interviews conducted by P25 UNWG members and supported by CISA.
The Full document can be downloaded using either of the links below:
Excerpts from:
Land Mobile Radio/Long Term Evolution (LTE/LMR) Integration: Best Practices
“LMR will likely remain the main technology for public safety communications due to its reliability during emergency situations. However, the future will see LMR and LTE technologies coexisting without compromising the benefits of either”
This document is a snapshot of early LMR/LTE integration efforts and presents some of the lessons these pioneers have learned along the way.
Case Studies:
- Montgomery County, Texas, Hospital District
- Indiana Integrated Public Safety Commission, State of Indiana
- Department of Information Technology, Fairfax County, Virginia
- Michigan Public Safety Communications System
- Statewide Interoperability Office, State of Missouri
- New York Metropolitan Regional Radio System; Metropolitan Transportation Authority
“LTE is unlikely to displace LMR in the foreseeable future for various reasons. It is much more likely that the two technologies will merge. Service providers and vendors are already offering gateways and software that can integrate the two, and public safety agencies across the United States are implementing these solutions to enhance their operational efficiency.”
- Details
New Whitepaper: Patching and Dynamic Regrouping over the P25 ISSI by FPIC
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) is pleased to share the latest P25 White paper from the Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC). This paper is a comprehensive view of the details, functions, issues and solutions for combining P25 talk-groups across multiple P25 standalone systems using the P25 ISSI. The paper is designed to increase awareness of P25 features, terminology, and implementation considerations learned during ongoing discussions with the Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC) ISSI/CSSI Focus Group.
The full whitepaper can be downloaded using the link below or from the DHS CISA website,
Title: Patching and Dynamic Regrouping over the P25 ISSI.
DHS Website Link:
Topics covered in the Whitepaper:
- Problem Statement: Standards Based Interoperability for Patching and Dynamic Regrouping in P25 Systems
- Feature Definition, Why Are the Features Important? What Are the Primary Issues?
- What Is Being Done?
- Talk-group Patching: Terminology, Types Of Patching, Patching Across the ISSI/CSSI
- Dynamic Regrouping Challenges to Consider: Manufacturer Implementation of Two Dynamic Regrouping Methods
- Addressing Patching and Regrouping Challenges
Interoperability Will Likely Require the Development and Adoption of a Group Regrouping Standard for The ISSI/CSSI. In The Meantime, Agencies Have Found Technical and Operational Workarounds (I.E., Other Types Of Patching)
- Details
More Articles …
- The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) Welcomes our Newest Member: Mission Critical Partners
- DHS CISA publishes New Whitepaper on Public Safety Communications Security
- New P25 System of the Month: Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System (ISICS)
- Project 25 Steering Committee Releases New Representative Handbook Detailing P25 Standards Process
- PTIG Publishes New P25 Standards Update January 2022
- DHS CISA publishes a new guide for Emergency Alarm across Multiple P25 Systems
- DHS CISA releases a New Project 25 Video: “The Funding and the Future of P25”
- PTIG publishes New P25 Products and Services PPT from IWCE & APCO 2021
- Project 25 Technology Interest Group Holds Annual Meeting, Elects Board of Directors and Officers.
- PTIG Publishes P25 Panel Presentations from IWCE 2021: P25 for the Future, PTT Harmony P25/LTE, P25 on Steroids
- Canyon AeroConnect: New Corporate Identity for former Cobham Wulfsberg Aircraft Comms supplier
- "P25 for the Future" Webinar on demand available for viewing from IWCE-Urgent
- New P25 E-Book "P25 Advancements" now available from MissionCritical Communications
- New ISSI/CSSI Non-CAP Interoperability test results from Motorola Solutions & InterTalk
- New P25 Videos Available from DHS CISA: Basics of P25 & Encryption in 3 Minutes
- Codan to Acquire Zetron Inc. Creating a Strong P25 Supplier focused on Standards Based Interoperability
- PTIG Publishes the Latest Project 25 Standards Update: February 2021
- PTIG Publishes New Non-CAP CSSI Interoperability Test: Zetron-Motorola Solutions
- New P25 System of the Month: Colorado (CCNC) a Game-Changer during 2020 wildfires
- PTIG Publishes Latest Updated List of Project 25 TIA Documents approved by the P25 Steering Committee